Biological Sciences Course Updates
The Biological Sciences courses listed below are either new or have had significant changes within the last academic year.
Course information for all other courses can be found within the General Catalog.
BILD Courses
BILD 24 Learning Microbiology through Fermented Food (4)
New course - effective Spring 2025
Students will prepare fermented foods and learn the microbiology and biochemistry behind some staple dishes in communities around the world. The course will describe the role of microbes as food-makers and contributors to well-being and will explore related traditional dishes. Students will develop a 360 degree vision of how and why what we eat shapes who we are. Students will develop a strong sense of belonging to the community where they live and appreciation of microbiology in their life.
BILD 88 Learning Sustainable Well-Being: Compassion for Self and Others, a Biologist's Perspective (1)
New course - effective Winter 2025
This experiential course teaches the art of practicing psychological well-being, based on principles from Eastern and Western philosophies (e.g., Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Therapy, and Neuroscience), from the perspective of a biologist. Each week, there is a short lecture on a given topic, combined with workshop-style exercises. P/NP grades only.
BIBC Courses
BIBC 104 Gene Editing & Biotechnology (4)
New course - effective Spring 2025
Introduction to the fundamentals of biotechnology including the principles of CRISPR-based gene editing technology. The course will cover various applications of biotechnology, with particular emphasis on crop domestication and improvement including commercialization of edited crops. Topics include genetic modifications by CRISPR, plant transformation, genetically modified foods, and policy/regulation of biotechnology.
- BICD 100 or BICD 100R
BIBC 110 Catalysis, Reactivity, and Molecular Structure (4)
New course - effective Spring 2025
This course focuses on using a project-based learning approach to help studentsdevelop skills in applying the principles governing molecular structure andreactivity in a variety of contexts. Students will develop facility with usingcomputer visualization tools to enhance their understanding of how to theseconcepts operate in biological settings.
- BILD 1 and CHEM 6B or CHEM 6BH
BICD Courses
No course updates at this time.
BIEB Courses
BIEB 164 Behavioral Ecology and Conservation (4)
Reinstated course - effective Fall 2024
Principles of behavioral ecology from individuals to societies from evolutionary and applied perspectives. Considers how behavior evolves in its environmental context, including human impacts and human-wildlife interactions. Encourages critical engagement with the scientific process and practice, examining inclusion and representation.
- BILD 3
BIMM Courses
No course updates at this time.
BIPN Courses
BIPN 162 Neural Data Science (4)
Prerequisite update - effective Winter 2025
Previous prerequisite(s)
- MATH 11
- BIPN 140
- BILD 62 or COGS 18 or CSE 8A
New prerequisite(s)
- MATH 11
- BILD 62 or COGS 18 or CSE 8A
BISP Courses
No course updates at this time.