Keefe Reuther
I am broadly interested in helping students develop as biologists by learning things other than biology: experimental design, data analysis, communication, information literacy, critical thinking, and ethics. In a modern world increasingly built on big data and drowning in misinformation, it is necessary for students to have a nuanced and conceptual understanding of where the biology they learn comes from. Through a combination of curriculum development and pedagogical research, my goal is to create toolkits for students and educators to use for the creation and evaluation of scientific information, specifically in topics related to ecology, evolution, and genetics.
My current projects include the following:
- Using data from an Introductory Lab CURE, my collaborators and I are creating guidelines to clean and analyze error-prone data collected by students and amateurs.
- Developing a practical laboratory bootcamp course to serve students that did not receive in-person instruction due to the pandemic.
- Developing curricula for a lower-division biology majors course on data analysis and experimental design.
- Creating a web-based simulated data generator for educators to use in teaching quantitative analysis - particularly in large enrollment courses.
Select Publications
- Steiner, F.L., Schlick-Steiner, B.C., VanDerWal, J., Reuther, K.D., Christian, E., Stauffer, C., Suarez, A.V., Williams, S.E., & Crozier, R.H. (2008). Combined modelling of distribution and niche in invasion biology: a case study of two invasive Tetramorium ant species. Diversity and Distributions. 14(3): 538-545.
- Lisa McDonnell, Keefe Reuther, Andrew Cooper, Christopher Day, Cindy Gustafson-Brown. Converting a face-to-face lab to online: an example of process and outcomes for a CRISPR-based molecular biology lab. CoursesSource. In submission.
Keefe Reuther received his Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics from Saint Louis University where he studied invasion biology and the evolution of social behavior in ants. He is currently interested in developing curricula and teaching strategies for experimental design and data analysis. He was awarded the Barbara and Paul Saltman Distinguished Teaching Award in 2018 and the Revelle College Outstanding Teaching Award in 2017. He joined the faculty of Biological Sciences as a lecturer in 2009 and as an Assistant Teaching Professor in 2020.