Student Opportunities & Resources
- Student Engagement Opportunities
- Gain Experience
- Study Abroad
- Discover Funding
- Academic Support
- Stay Informed & Connected
The Student Engagement Opportunities unit in the Biology Student & Instructional Services office provides info sessions, workshops, events, and resources that enhance students experiences while at UC San Diego. The links below help keep students up-to-date on events within the division and across campus.
This is a weekly e-newsletter emailed during the academic year to all registered biology majors and individuals interested in biology related news. This will be the primary method of communicating event announcements, program deadlines, and opportunities relevant to biology students at UC San Diego. Students will continue to receive separate email notices to your UCSD email account about academic announcements (e.g. academic deadlines, major requirement updates, or course changes).
Not receiving the e-newsletter? Subscribe now.
Interested in posting to the Biology Matters Weekly E-Newsletter?
The submission deadline is every Thursday by 4 p.m. to be considered for posting in the following week's newsletter.
While priority will be given to Biology Student Engagement postings, every effort will be made to highlight events or announcements from campus organizations and resource units. External requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Biology Student Engagement reserves the right to deny the posting of any submission that is deemed inappropriate.
Posting request should be emailed to with the following information:
NOTE: the newsletter is only distributed during the academic year. No newsletters are sent during holidays or campus closures.
Saltman Quarterly is a student run journal program. SQonline highlights student articles, blogs, and science information relevant to biology undergraduates.