Heiligenberg Lecture Series History

Dr. Walter F. Heiligenberg was a professor of behavioral physiology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego. His groundbreaking research identifying the function of neural networks for behavior has made him a world leader in the field of neuroethology. His seminal work on neural nets in electric fish elegantly combined electrophysiology and behavior with computational models and methods, making him a pioneer in the field of computational neuroscience. In this tradition, the Walter Heiligenberg Lectures recognizes the most distinguished research in neuroethology and in identifying how complex behaviors emerge from the activity patterns of neural networks.
Michael Dickinson
Straighten Up And Fly: Lessons From The Cockpit Of A Fly -
Darcy Kelley
Evolving Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication -
Dan Feldman
Neural Coding of Whisker Touch -
Leonard Maler
Spatial Learning via Active Sensing: Evidence for Cell Assemblies in the Fish Telencephalon? -
Catherine Carr
Brainstem Codes for Sound Localization -
Harold H. Zakon
Electric Fish and Ion Channels: Neurobiology Meets Molecular Evolution -
Eric I. Knudsen
How the brain decides what to think about next: Neural Mechanisms of Attention in Birds -
Hans A. Hofmann
Evolutionary Neuroethology of the Social Brain -
Cynthia F. Moss
Representing space through sound: What the bat's voice tells the bat's brain -
William Kristan
Making Behavioral Choices: Neuronal Democracy, Republic, or Monarchy? -
Rudiger Wehner
Insect Neuroethology: A Look into the Cockpit of a Desert Navigator -
John G. Hildebrand
Learning from Insect Brains: Explorations of a 'Simple' Olfactory System -
Allison Doupe
What Songbirds Can Teach Us About Learning and the Brain